Monday, October 3, 2011

Cool WordPress plugin

I'm sure you own blogs, even if only one blog.
Blogs are great tools for creating websites easily. More importantly, blogs have enabled us to share our knowledge and opinions easily with other people.
But the thing with blogs is that there are too many distractions. I mean, if you try to build a list with your blog, you're guaranteed to get poor results.
For starters, there is the sidebar that links to other websites. Then there are commentators' links. Banner links. Etc. All of these are outage.
Fear not, as there is a workaround to this.
Use this WordPress plugin:

 You'll be able to easily and instantly (in 2 minutes) create your very own beautiful optin box to collect visitors' email or present a custom message/ad to them.
Your choice. Either way, you get them to take the action you want them to take. You lead them. You entice them. Show them offers, etc.
You can be super aggressive with your marketing, or you can be super-subtle. Again, your choice.
Here's the link again to this cool WordPress plugin:
 List building is easy when you have the RIGHT tools